Work and Travel 2025
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Konu: Ciee mülakatlari, 2015 Wat

  1. #211
    Acemi Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Sep 2014
    Tecrübe Puanı


    2-3 güne belli olur Eğer şirketin aramazsa sen ara

  2. #212
    Acemi Watçı OrhunKaya - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
    Üyelik tarihi
    Nov 2014
    Tecrübe Puanı


    Bende yeni girdim sorular suydu programa katilmak icin ne ozelliklere sahipsin? stressle nasill basa cikarsin? hayatindaki kahraman kim? durust biri misin gibisinden bir sey sordu hatirlamadim tam , yemek yapmayi sever misin bide bu kadar.

  3. #213
    Hayalperest Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Jan 2015
    Tecrübe Puanı


    Ben bir hafta önce girdim benim sorularım
    Arkadaşına sorsak seni nasıl anlatır
    WAT neden istiyorsun
    Seni mutsuz eden ve mutlu eden şeyler
    Senin Kültür'ünde SAYGI nasıl gösterilir bunu sen ne şekilde gösterirsin
    Tipik bir Gününü anlat
    Hepinize başarılar dilerim

  4. #214
    Uçuşa Hazır Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Oct 2014
    Tecrübe Puanı

    Standart geçtim ve 3.sınavım diger 2sine göre daha kötüydü ama ilk 2de göz kontagı sürekli kaçırdım.3 . girdigimde kamera odaklandım full verdigim 1 2 taneside cokda iyi degildi ama 2 dakikalık sürede bunun son sansım oldugunu söyledim konuşabildigimi diger 2 sinafdan odaklanamadıgım ıcın geçemedigimi sonra sonuç olumlu azıcık cümle cıkartın kendınıze 2 dakikalık konuşma ıcın bide kameraya odaklanın gerisi geçer

  5. #215
    Siteden Uzaklaştırıldı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Nov 2014
    Tecrübe Puanı


    Alıntı 2015watci Nickli Üyeden Alıntı Mesajı göster geçtim ve 3.sınavım diger 2sine göre daha kötüydü ama ilk 2de göz kontagı sürekli kaçırdım.3 . girdigimde kamera odaklandım full verdigim 1 2 taneside cokda iyi degildi ama 2 dakikalık sürede bunun son sansım oldugunu söyledim konuşabildigimi diger 2 sinafdan odaklanamadıgım ıcın geçemedigimi sonra sonuç olumlu azıcık cümle cıkartın kendınıze 2 dakikalık konuşma ıcın bide kameraya odaklanın gerisi geçer
    Danışmanın senin için üçüncü bir deneme şansı vermişse tebrik etmek gerek onu. Yoksa normalde ikinci sefer kaldığında programının iptal edilmesi gerek.

  6. #216
    Hayalperest Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Feb 2015
    Tecrübe Puanı


    Son günlerde mülakata giren var mı acaba?

  7. #217
    Hayalperest Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Mar 2013
    Tecrübe Puanı


    16.02.15 te olduğum mülakat soruları
    1. what skills do you hope to gain by participating in the WAT USA program?
    2. what are the tree things couldnt live without?
    3. What would you change about yourself if you could?
    4. what did you enjoy doing most at university?
    5. Tell me about a time when things went wrong at school or when you worked with a group and how you fixed the problem.
    Konu erdia tarafından (16-02-2015 Saat 08:33 PM ) değiştirilmiştir.

  8. #218
    Hayalperest Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Mar 2015
    Tecrübe Puanı


    bugun ciee mülakatına giren kimse varmı arkadaşlar paylaşabilir misinz soruları?

  9. #219
    Hayalperest Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Apr 2015
    Tecrübe Puanı


    Arkadaşlar bu haftanın mülakat sorularını verir misiniz?

  10. #220
    Acemi Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Aug 2015
    Tecrübe Puanı

    Post 2015 CİEE Mülakatı Soru Ve Cevapları (Hazırlık)

    1. Where in the U.S. are you most excited to visit and why?
     I wanna visit the city called as Big apple. Because every time New york inhold every kind of nationality, culture, religion, people, whatever life. And I wanna see and learn all of them also I wanna see a city which is living along twentyfour hours.
    2. If an american student were to come visit your city, what would you tell them to see and why?
     İn my opinion a visiter who comes to Bursa must visit botany park. Because There are a lots of natural beauty, animals ,trees and natural and daily life is compatible at botany park.
    3. What is a traditional food in your culture? Why is important? How do you make it?
     I like turkish kebap so much as a traditional food So I think everyone must taste it. İt is important because İt is ancient and it is historic comes from Osmanlı it is made exactly from beef. Firstly cut the beefs it must be little so mix with red and black pepper, salt, cumin, tomato paste finally you must stick skewer and made bbq. Enjoy your meal 
    4. Cleaning is most part of WAT jobs, even if you aren’t in a housekeeping position. Do you help out with cleaning around your home? How do you feel about cleaning at work?
     If I must do cleaning of course I am gonna do it and I like help people but this musn’t hinder my job. I help my friend , coworker or neightbor in my free time and day off. We must help each other.
    5. What do you think is the common misconception about people of your culture? What do you wish more people knew about your culture?
     Some people think of as barbarian about us. But it is wrong. I wish I could host a family in every summer from europe. I will show real Turkish life and culture. I can show how we are respectful , kind , hospitable.
    6. What skill do you think that you need to be successful on the wat?
     I am a humanist and I like cominicate with different people. I wanna improve my general culture luckily I can learn easly  I can cook very well  I am hardworking so I can do everything. Hardworking will be usefull to be succesfull.
    7. Why did you choose your college of study?
     Because they gave confidence to me than other college. United towers is so friendly and serious. I chose them because of these causes.

    8. What do you think is funny or what makes you laugh? Can you tell me a joke?
     At the concert area I sing and scream like crayz with my friends. This is funny for me. If someone is tickle my sole. I laugh until wet oneself. Joke.. hmm.. Who cann’t smoke cigarets at work? Of course divers.

    9. Why do you want to participate in the WAT U.S.A. program?
     I wanna meet friends from other country other nationality. I wanna learn theirs culture and I wanna introduce my culture also İn my opinion WAT U.S.A. program will best experience in my life.
    10. Describe your family?
     My mother is housewife. My father is artisan. I have one sister and one brother. My sister is student at İstanbul university. My brother is sales manager in bosch. Gaziantep is my hometown. My family lives in my hometown and My mothers food are so delicious.
    11. What did you last weekend?
     I went to old friends home in Balıkesir. He takes education at Balıkesir Univercity. I went to night club with him. I played backgammon. He has made five cakes. We did cleaning his home. We cooked meal. We watched fantastic films.
    12. Have you ever helped a friend or a customer solve a problem? Tell us about the problem and How did you to help solve it?
     Last night I went to visit my friend. When I arrived at her home. I saw that she bought a wardrobe which was demontage She had a serious problem about screws. I helped her for montage it. Result was perfect and now She has a awesome wardrobe
    13. What would be your favorite job? If you could do any job in the world, What would you want to do?
     İn my opinion Tour guide is the best job in the world. Think of it this way, You teach something about antique palaces. People listen to you and they learn new culture, new legend at the same time you been together people. You trip World and this trip is free for you. I think it is awesome.
    14. When you travel to the U.S.A., What will be the most important thing you will pack in your suitcase? Why?
     I will need iPod. İt is important for me. Because I don’t live without music. İt is meditation for me. Especially i like listen with home cinema system. I have it even live in dorm. Absolutly This question’s answer is İpod.
    15. If I were ask your friends to describe you, What would they say?
     They called me payat. İt is my surname. Residual it be my nicknamed. They say “ Payat is so avid and If he wanna. He can succeed everything. He so friendly. He accommodate oneself everywhere”
    16. What do you plan to do when you graduate from university?
     I will apply master at the same time if in the event I will wanna work as Automative engineer whick ever factory. When I graduate from master. I will looking for beter job, for example production engineer at Chevrolet or Ford.
    17. If you won the lottery, What is the first thing that you would do?
     İmmadiate I give up everything and I wanna take a world trip. I don’t come back my hometown along 2 year. I donate community volunteers foundation and I build factory about Automative.
    18. İt is important to be kind and respectful when you are at work. What would you do if a friend or coworker was not being respectful to you?
     First I avoid to be kind each other. I say “We are a friends or coworker. We must to be tolerant to each other.” If he or she don’t listen to me or not to care me. I complain him or her to my boss.
    19. What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
     Usually I listen music and dancing in my free time but for this I must be alone because I am not a good dancer  I beware when I dancing. I like listen music. I have 5+1 sound system. İt makes high sound .
    20. Tell us about someone important in your life and why that person is important to you?
     Absolutly she is my mom. I have a lots of reason for this. I can’t live without my mom. She bred, nurture me. I am sure that she is the person who loves me the most in my life. When I will arrive U.S.A. firstly I will call my princes my mom.
    21. What type of music do you like? Who is your favorite singer?
     I like listen to pop music. My favorite musician is Fazıl Say He plays piano very well and my favorite singer is Jason Derulo.
    22. Football and baseball are popular sports in the United States. Which sport or activities do you like to play or watch?
     I like watch football. I amn’t supporting a team but I take a fancy to Beşiktaş. Theirs team soul is so charming. If I will support a team. This would be Beşiktaş.

    23. If you could travel to only one place in the World, Where it be and why?
     Probably It would be Niagara waterfall because I saw pictures of niagara. I am camptivated this place. I think waterfalls are so impressive. Think a moment a huge of water falling from skyscraper.
    24. What is the biggest challange you have ever faced?
     Actually, it s the department that I am studying for. I mean, this challange is stil going on. I hope to overcome with it.
    25. What parts of american culture are you most looking forward to experiencing?
     Mostly, its natural beauties and its people varieties. Bacause I know that there are people from everywhere in America. And this makes America a world culture centre. I wanna meet people from other country. I learn them perspective.
    26. What is the general perception of USA in your country? What do people from your hometown think of Americans?
     We see America as the world’s biggest economy centre. And an important ruler in world peace. Americans for us are poeple who broke all the bad judgements inside of themselves. And mostly they are people of freedom.
    27. What is important for to you about your experience in the USA?
     The first thing is discovering different parts of America to get its culture. Also, working will help me to know people of there. It ll be good for me to explore Americans foods and heads.
    28. What makes you angry? What makes you happy?
     If Someone insult to me. İts makes me angry. As Sudden If My friend invite me for trip, for see new place. İts makes me happy.
    29. If a movie being made of your life and you could choose the actor to play you, who would you choose and why?
     I would choose Sylvester Stallone because he saves people and help them in every movie , story and I wanna help them as well. If You Think this way You save them and change the world. The world is begin to be full in love.
    30. Describe a typical day for you .
     I wake up early about seven. I shover every morning. I drink coffee in breakfast. I walk 1 hour everyday for be healty. I spare time with my friends every evening. We play basketball, play backgammon. Absoluetly I go sleep at 23 o’clock.

    31. What qualities do you have that would make an employer in the USA want to hire you?
     I am hardworking. I will do everything that I must do whatever. Never I amn’t lazy and I won’t be. I am smiling and I can communicate customer as kind. I like influence people.
    32. What do your friend and family think about your participation in the WAT program?
     My friends and my family rejoiced about my wat program even I have a lots of friends be to the points me. They saw me ‘ wat program will to be awesome for you. My family supported me as material and non material. Everyone will look forward for Come back from usa and share my experience.
    33. Why is cultural exchange important to you?
     Because everyone need cultural exchange nowadays. I don’t wanna know just my culture. I wanna learn different culture different turn of mind. Thesee are improve my perspective and İmprove me about culture , World, humanity.
    34. Why are you a good candidate fort he WAT program?
     I am hardworking. I will do everything that I must do whatever. Never I amn’t lazy and I won’t be. I am smiling and I can communicate customer as kind. I like influence people. I wanna show my culture and learn other culture.
    35. What skills do you hope to gain by participating in the WAT program?
     I hope I will gain Solve problam as alone from my skills. I will can create new life , new social environment. I will can keep step with different culture. I gain improve my perspective. I will learn to be happy far away from my hometown.
    36. Tell us about something you are passionate about in your life and enjoy doing?
     Absolutly Answer is listening music. Everyday I listen music two or tree hour. When I go sleep I listen classic music. That is to say I don’t live without music. I have 5+1 stereo system. İt makes high volume. If in the event recently I wanna improve my system. One good thing about music, When it hits you fell no pain.
    37. İf you could meet one famous person who would it be and why?
     He would it be Slywester Stallone. Because He is tough man despite age. I wonder that How does he do in real life? What does he eat? How does he protect form? Especially I admired him when I saw Rocky.
    38. What are your strengths / weakness?
     Emotional is my weakness. Because sometimes I confuse love and carrier. Avid is my strengths. İt support me about succeed something. İf I wanna it. I can do it.
    39. Describe something that you do well
     I am a good swimmer. I learned seventeen years ago . I can swim all style. Butterfly, mix, backstroke etc. I belive about swim. But I don’t wanna work as lifeguard. Because it is so bring responsibility.
    40. How do you think you can contribute to our organization?
     This is a cultural Exchange program. There are a lots of young student been together from different culture. I will to be at there and I will show my culture when I will learn other culture. Students will learn to turkish culture because of me.

  11. #221
    Acemi Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Aug 2015
    Tecrübe Puanı

    Post 2015 CİEE Mülakatı Soru Ve Cevapları (Hazırlık)

    41. Do you participate in any clubs or activities? If so describe them. If not what do you do in your free times?
     One times I participated a activity at community volunteers foundation. We went to village primary school. Our porpose is promote of education at there. We toke away sciences book. We told If you wanna do everything. You will can do with science. They was wery happy because of our.
    42. What was the last movie that you watched? What was the movie about?
     I watched mad max two week ago with my friends. There was treee nationalty in the World. Different nationalty dead all the World. Thesee are oils, bullets, waters. They were chasing fugitive prisoners.
    43. What made you want to apply for WAT program in the USA?
     I wanted for meet new friends from other country and learn different culture. I wanted to be at USA and show my culture and experienceing live in america.
    44. How do you think a friend or professor who knows you well would describe you?
     They called me payat. İt is my surname. Residual it be my nicknamed. They say “ Payat is so avid and If he wanna. He can succeed everything. He so friendly. He accommodate oneself everywhere”.
    45. What is your favorite holiday and how do you celebrate?
     My favorite’s is republic holiday. We march on street with turkish flags and We are exited, When Songs say everywhere. Every country parade on the all avenue. We feel nationality feelings inside us. We pride of our soldiers.
    46. What part of your culture do you look forward to sharing with americans?
     I will share about food especially mediteranien food culture and I wanna share social perspective about my country. I am gonna share turkish hospitalty and Turkish history. When was Ottoman.
    47. What is your favorite book and movie and why?
     The hunger games is my favorite book. Because I like fantastic story. The hunger games are very reflect this type. My favorite movies is Harry Potter serial. By the same token I like watch fantastic and science fiction movie. Because I think Thesee type films are improve imagination.
    48. How did you celebrate your bithday?
     Absoluetly last my bithday is awesome party in my life. I didn’t know that my friends celebrated my birthday. Suddenly They suprised me when I went my school. They called me and sumon me from centre. They saw “ We at hospital. Müge was so sick. Urgently We take a someone hospital her. You must arrive there now.” When I arrived adres. I shockered. My friends sing form e at hospital. Happy birthday to you… We aet pasta with doctor and nurse. This party little interesting but we was so funny.
    49. How has your education prepared you for your career?
     My school something offer chance me about my career. For example Project training at big factory. My professor learn programs about analyss and development at universty. They have technical studio in my deparment. We go in there and We practice Where learn class by this means We learn Professional practice.
    50. What will be your greatest challenge in the U.S. ?
    • I hope , I will can do everything. I will get used to people, culture, work, fod culture. If it will to be something , It will be about transport. İt takes some getting used to. Bus , Train , Ferry and I don’t see a country any. But I will learn everything at shorth time. I promise 
    51. Do you prefer to work as alone or in a group ? Why?
    • I wanna work as in a group because. I am gonna go for meet new friends from different nationalty and If I will work as in a group. I will can meet easly than work as alone and If I will work in a group I will be helpful this program.

  12. #222
    Acemi Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Aug 2015
    Tecrübe Puanı

    Talking 2015 CİEE Mülakatı Soru Ve Cevapları (Hazırlık)

    Bu soruları foumlardan bulup kendimce cevapladım. Mülakatlar Ekim 10 gibi olacak o zamana kadar çalışıp gerekirse ezberliycem . Sizede yardımcı olmasını ümit ediyorum. İyi çalışmalar..

  13. #223
    Profesyonel Watçı ByLyric - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
    Üyelik tarihi
    Feb 2011
    Tecrübe Puanı


    Çok kasmamak gerektiği kanaatindeyim beyler seçim sizin
    ---wat where amazing happens---  820

  14. #224
    Acemi Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Nov 2015
    Tecrübe Puanı


    Alıntı komiksin1 Nickli Üyeden Alıntı Mesajı göster
    Selam, dm atamıyorum mesaj sayısından dolayı. Sizinle nasıl iletişim kurabilirim ?

  15. #225
    Acemi Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Aug 2015
    Tecrübe Puanı


    Faceden yaz Onur Murat Payat

  16. #226
    Hayalperest Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Nov 2015
    Tecrübe Puanı

    Standart Cıee mülakat soruları

    Merhaba arkadaslar bu hafta mülakata giricem en son mülakata giren arkadaslar burada mı ?

  17. #227
    Hayalperest Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Dec 2015
    Tecrübe Puanı


    merhaba mülakata 6.12.2015 günü girdim sorular hatırladığım kadarıyla
    wat için amrekiayı seçme sebebiniz (klasik banko soru)
    geleneksel bir yemek söyleyin hiç yaptınızmı nasıl yapılır gibi bişey
    türkiyeden ayrıldığınızda en çok neyi özlemeyeceksiniz
    sizin için hızlı bir servismi önemli yoksa güzel bir servismi
    amerikan filmlerini izlermisin sence gittiğinde filmlerdekiyle aynı mı olacak gibi birşey

    Bunların inigilizcelerini zaten bu başlıkta bulabilrisin ama bana sorarsan soru odaklı çalışmayınız kesinlikle heyecana düşmediğiniz sürece cok basit yapılıyor..

  18. #228
    Hayalperest Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Dec 2015
    Tecrübe Puanı


    arkadaslar 15inde sınavım var cok heyecanlıyım tavsiyleriniz neler birde lake georgea basvuranlar mesaj atabilir mi

  19. #229
    Hayalperest Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Jan 2016
    Tecrübe Puanı


    Ya arkadaşlar bu hafta içerisinde sınava girmiş olan var mı soruları paylaşabilir misiniz 🙈

  20. #230
    Hayalperest Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Jan 2016
    Tecrübe Puanı


    arkadaşlar bu hafta sınava giren var mı ne sordular söyleyebilir misiniz ?

  21. #231
    Acemi Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Jan 2016
    Tecrübe Puanı


    Arkadaşlar ben Self yapacağım bu sene 2014 yılında yapmıştım, ancak şirketim bana CIEE mülakatına tabii olmadığımı söyledi? Acaba aranızda bu durumda olan var mıdır?

  22. #232
    Hayalperest Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Jan 2016
    Tecrübe Puanı


    bu haftanın soruları bunlar arkadaşlar. fazla heyecan yaptım. batırmış olabilirim. sonuçları göreceğiz artık :/

  23. #233
    Hayalperest Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Jan 2016
    Tecrübe Puanı


    Alıntı altan017 Nickli Üyeden Alıntı Mesajı göster
    bu haftanın soruları bunlar arkadaşlar. fazla heyecan yaptım. batırmış olabilirim. sonuçları göreceğiz artık :/
    ilk sorunun başı ne acaba

Konu Bilgileri

Bu Konuya Gözatan Kullanıcılar

Şu anda 4 kullanıcı bu konuyu görüntülüyor. (0 kayıtlı ve 4 misafir)

Benzer Konular

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  2. 2015 Yazı için Ankara'dan WaT yapacak arkadaşlar
    Konu Sahibi vitaller Forum Tanışalım-WAT Arkadaşı arıyorum!
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